Saturday, December 12, 2009

untitled 0002

copied from one of the random blogs.

y0u'Re Th3 tHoUgHt ThAt $tArTs 3@Ch MoRn!nG,
tHe CoNcLu$i0n To 3@Ch D@Y.
y0u Ar3 iN @Ll ThAt ! d0,
@Nd 3v3rYtHiNg ! sAy.

YoU'r3 tHe $m!l3 oN mY fAc3,
tHe Tw!nKl3 iN mY eYe.
Th3 wArMtH iNs!d3 mY h3@Rt,
Th3 fUlLn3s$ iN mY l!f3.

y0u'Re Th3 hAnD tH@T's L@CeD iN m!n3,
@Nd Th3 c0@T uPoN mY bAcK.
mY fRi3nD, mY l0v3,
mY sHoUlDeR t0 l3@N oN.

y0u'Re My $iLlY, mAtUr3, cAr!nG,
tHoUgHtFuL, bRiGhT, @Nd HoNe$t GuY.
tHe 0n3 wHo HoLd$ m3 t!gHtLy,
Wh3n ! n3eD t0 cRy.

YoU'r3 tHe DiMpLe !n My Ch3eK,
tHe 3v3r-CoNsT@Nt TiNgLe !n My $oUl.
Th3 v0iCe ThAt M@Ke$ m3 w3@K,
tHe H@Pp!n3s$ oF mY l!f3.

y0u Ar3 aLl !'v3 wAnTeD,
y0u Ar3 aLl ! n3eD.
y0u Ar3 aLl !'v3 dReAm3d 0f,
YoU @Re AlL oF tHi$ t0 m3.

- m3l!s$@ CoLl3tTe -

this is a beautiful poem.

but if this is the way the poem is presented, i find it very irritating.
feel like punching on the face whoever writes this way.
imagine reading sms like this. omg @_@ can die faster.
very irritating. annoying. please stop it!!!


3 Response to untitled 0002

December 12, 2009 at 8:25 AM

... not that hard to read. but yeah i agree. i will kill this guy too. probably a girl

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

December 12, 2009 at 9:08 AM

definitely a great poem..but very hard to read unless you want to train brain for speacil occasion lo.....hahahah...XD

December 12, 2009 at 11:06 AM

jino and nicholas. i want to kill this person too. @_@

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