Thursday, December 10, 2009


part 4 - natural art

18sx. underage please leave. don't say i never warn.

when did you first realize you have bushes in your ketiak?
i was 11 years old when i first saw myself with bulu ketiak.

when did you first realize you have misai on your face?
i wasn't sure, i don't give a damn.

when did you first realize you have pubes down the body?
i was 11 years old when i first saw myself in the mirror, together with bulu ketiak.

seriously, do you remember how you first masturbated?
i cannot remember the details, but i can try to elaborate.

i learned the word masturbation, or in chinese tfk in the july of 13 years old. i wasn't not sure if i was a bit late to learn it or not. but when i performed my first tfk, i did not have idea of how masturbation works, or how masturbation feels, or how masturbation supposed to be. simple to say, i did not know what is tfk when i first tfk. in another word, i wasn't aware of what i did.

my first tfk experience was when i was 13 years old, celebrating chinese new year. most people first discovered in the toilet, in shower or in their bed room. but for me i did my first tfk in front of tv. most of you would think i put in some pornos while doing it but in fact i was watching dragon ball (nothing close to porn). one asked "how would dragon ball able to stimulate you?" i did not answer him.

i was watching alone and i didn't knew that time, for no reason i moved my cock around my lose shorts. i am a free baller, so it was let loose easily. then i moved my fingers to my cock, wrapped it and naturally i stroked it up and down while watching gohan trains with picollo. i didn't understand why i did it but it sure felt nice doing it. i shrugged many times that day and i stopped my movement to calm myself. the sensation was too nice that i repeated it many times, only to find out very very very much later that i had orgasm. i started again and the sensation became more intense. i kept doing it and i did not know what's in my mind back then. many hours past, i suffered many sweats and enjoyed many pleasure that was sent down my spine. my cock was rock hard all the time and luckily no one was in the room to interrupt me. i guess i was curious and playing around too much.

i continued till the pleasure reached the biggest intensity. after awhile i felt the the burning sensation in my cock i had never felt before and i thought i was about to pee. i cannot contain the pleasure and pain, i let out a loud moan and 'pee' in front of the tv, on the floor. to my surprise it was dry, milky and sticky. omg! what happened? why is my pee so dry?

shocked, i cleaned myself and woke my cousin, Rex (i was staying at my uncles house) showed him the 'pee' and asked him what happened. he suggested i drink more water to hydrate myself. so i followed his instruction and later i pee properly in the toilet. the watery, clear pee was back. thank god.

that was my first tfk experience. paiseh it was humiliating to tell it out loud.

i did not dare to touch my cock anymore, afraid that i might 'pee' something weird again. but after the cny holiday, in the sex discussion with my classmates, i realized that i did not pee but instead i cum, which is normal for tfk. so tfk, cum, orgasm... everything became lights and i see through many things already. i did not tfk till months later i was daring again, with something erotic in my mind. i was sure that my second time gave more pleasure than my first. more practices and the art improved, thanks to the guidance, suggestion from friends and internet.

see? i told you i discovered many things in boy school, though tfk was self discovery.


7 Response to part 4 - natural art

December 10, 2009 at 7:54 AM

hahaha.. watch dragon ball to stimulate your desiredness, intensify burning sensation to your ku ku bird(little bird)........hahahahaha..XD

December 10, 2009 at 8:59 PM

omg. of all things. dragonball??? you were stimulated seeing the balls?

[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot

December 10, 2009 at 11:35 PM

hahahahaha the feel comes so naturally. maybe picollo is too handsome already. but nicholas you are right. burning and bursting hahahaha
there wasn't a ball to see, jino.

December 11, 2009 at 8:45 AM

woah, 1st time reading ur blog and it is so damn exciting :P

Did Rex ever found out that "pee" was actually sperm?

December 11, 2009 at 12:08 PM

at least u knew what is tfk at the age of 13, i knew it only when i was 16!!!!!!! OMG

December 11, 2009 at 9:52 PM

haha your post brighten my day:)

December 12, 2009 at 10:58 AM

hey leu thanks for dropping by. thanks for the compliment. i am sure rex found out very much later, not through me ^_^
ken, we are not racing on who discovered earlier. everyone goes through different stages at different time.
really brighten your day, count? that's a motivation for me hahahhaa

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